My super blog, made for Multimedia Uni class

Harry Potter Countdown!!!

Saturday 26 May 2007


On the internet, aesthetics is the how visually pleasing something like a website or blog is. Aesthetics is important because if someone thinks a site is super ugly then they wont stay on it and look at the information unless they have to (like for an assignment).
Functionality is really important in web design because if it doesnt do what its supposed to, like have the info it says it does they'll exit and google another one. Legibility is also obviously really important because if the text cant be read easily then the information wont be read.
Ease of navigation is vital because if its too complicated and not straight forward and a person cant figure out how to get to what they want they'll get annoyed and exit.
I think Ebay is an aesthetically pleasing site. Its easy to use, has a purpose and is set out pretty nicely! The white background and black text make it easy to read and everything is categorised well.

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