My super blog, made for Multimedia Uni class

Harry Potter Countdown!!!

Monday, 28 May 2007

Dove - Evolution

This is insane. how crazy. See... pictures arent real!!!

Sunday, 27 May 2007

Pharmers crawl

Pharmers crawl
Originally uploaded by castelid1
Us at the Pharmers crawl -alter ego theme! funfun


Technorati is a search engine for blogs. you can search blogs and tags and it ranks blogs from around the world.
Its different from google because it searches only in blogs instead of every type of website. when signed in, other peoples blogs can be read without going onto it like an rss feed.
Technorati gives you a rank and authority which are measured by the blogs popularity, how old it is, how many other people link to it, etc. Right now, my rank is 815,820 and my authority is 6.

Saturday, 26 May 2007


On the internet, aesthetics is the how visually pleasing something like a website or blog is. Aesthetics is important because if someone thinks a site is super ugly then they wont stay on it and look at the information unless they have to (like for an assignment).
Functionality is really important in web design because if it doesnt do what its supposed to, like have the info it says it does they'll exit and google another one. Legibility is also obviously really important because if the text cant be read easily then the information wont be read.
Ease of navigation is vital because if its too complicated and not straight forward and a person cant figure out how to get to what they want they'll get annoyed and exit.
I think Ebay is an aesthetically pleasing site. Its easy to use, has a purpose and is set out pretty nicely! The white background and black text make it easy to read and everything is categorised well.

Thursday, 10 May 2007

Google Reader

Having to choose an RSS reader between Bloglines and Google Reader, i chose Google Reader so that i wouldnt have to make another login and remember another password because im struggling with the amount of those i have to remember as it is! And google is usually kinda straight forward so i assumed it'd be ok to use. And i just put an RSS feed thing on the left bit of my blog that shows the last 5 posts ive done! :)


RSS is used to publish frequently updated things like blogs and newsreels. When something is in RSS format, it can check the feeds for changes and recognises them which helps people stay informed and saves them from having to visit lots of sites individually to see what has been updated. It is an XML based format.

XML means EXtensible Markup Language. It carries data across the internet and is important so that data can be shared.

Wednesday, 2 May 2007



Free Counter

get onehere

Assessment for MPI104-2007

By doing this blog and having and Flickr accounts, I really did learn some super stuff! I thought they were pretty pointless at first (im not much of a blog kinda person) but now I see how theyre useful so that we learn how to use things on the internet. Before this I pretty much only knew how to google things and use hotmail. I didn’t know how to do anything like uploading pictures or make the blue clicky icon and am really happy I got to learn how to do that. I found it difficult to update and upload stuff very regularly, mainly because I don’t own a computer (but will in about 3 weeks!!) and I also didn’t own a camera but I bought one a week ago. (but cant upload pictures from it yet because I cant install the program onto anything until I get my computer).
I think all my blogs have intererstingness because I've put up pictures, websites and things that I find interesting and fun. I dont really get how we're going to be marked for that, because someone else might not care how many days it is until harry potter come out (curse you) but I do, so therefore it has heaps of interestingness because I like the things on it.
I think I've done most of the things on the list for each blog. I know I havn't done all 50, but the things I havn't done (for all of them) are just some things I havn't figured out how to do or tried and the computer froze (not kidding, it happened quite a few times, especially on blogger). I hope I have more than the mimimum posts, and I really like how I can put the news in the sidebar of blogger.